Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dermine Windows OS Version

I recently had the need to determine what OS the user is running on the client PC.

After performing a quick Google search, I arrived at the answer to my quest. Here are the results:

It turns out that the System.Environment namespace houses a lot of useful items. One of them is the OSVersion class. The OSVersion.Version property contains the version number which is what I wanted to determine which OS the user host computer is running. The other properties referenced are merely eye-candy.

Using Windows XP:

Using Windows Vista:

Notice how the version number changes from Windows XP to Windows Vista.

To obtain the data shown above, the Environment.OSVersion class is used:

string osVStr = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString;
labelOSVStr.Text = osVStr;
string osVPlatform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString();
labelOSVPlatform.Text = osVPlatform;
string osVSvcPack = Environment.OSVersion.ServicePack.ToString();
labelOSVSvcPack.Text = osVServicePack;
string osV = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString();
labelOSVersion.Text = osV;

From here, it is a simple step to compare version numbers against a desired level, verify that service packs have been applied, etc.

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